Hmmmm.....I'm sitting at my desk wondering what to do next. Should I work on animation test I've been given , or work on a test brief for a random film thats come to my attention. Then again I wondering how I could convince the local press to cover my private view "Cripes!" next Thursday, or any of the illustration agencies I know of not to take a vague interest (they never do)
Things are weird. Business at the market is a struggle - I'm constantly battling with chance it would seem. Freelance work is elusive. Yet this year has been one of the busiest for me in terms of producing work, being involved in this project, that project-
I keep thinking about producing a piece of work-specifically for the market stall-as in London based-commercial -not Lewis indulging in his own nuttyness. Ah maybe one day.....when I can motivate myself to do so.